REVIEW OF MACHEN BOWLING CLUB CONSTITUTION AUGUST 2018 amendments and additions are shown in italics.
The Club will be known as Machen Bowling Club, hereinafter referred to as The Club.
The Club shall be affiliated to:
1.The Welsh Bowling Association - WBA;
2.Monmouthshire Bowling Association - MBA;
3.South Monmouthshire Bowling Association - SMONBA;
4.South Wales and Monmouthshire Ladies Bowling Association - SW&MLBA;
5.Casnewydd Ladies Bowling Association -CLBA.
Members will be affiliated to the appropriate associations each year, unless otherwise determined at the AGM of The Club.
The aims and objectives of The Club are:
1.To foster, develop and promote the sport of lawn bowling, at all levels;
2.To provide coaching and competitive opportunities in the game of lawn bowls;
3.To ensure a duty of care to all members;
4.To provide all Club services to members in a fair and equal way, regardless of the member‘s age, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability;
The election of members shall be by simple majority of The Committee, on the Secretary receiving a letter of application from the candidate. The letter should include their full name, address, date of birth and, if applicable, the name of any previous bowling club membership.
The letter will be displayed on The Club Notice board for 7 days and the committee shall inform the applicant of their decision, in writing, within 14 days.
Membership can be refused when The Committee have good reason to believe the applicant would be a disruptive influence or prejudice the good name of The Club. All members are subject to the rules and regulations of The Club and of the affiliated bodies and, by joining The Club, will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of conduct.
Membership is open to all, aged 8 years or older, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
Members will be enrolled in one of the following categories:
1.Full membership: any person aged 18 - 59 years on April 1st each year ;
2.Concessionary membership: any person aged 60+ on April 1st each year or any person registered as unemployed;
3.Junior membership: any person aged 18 or younger at April 1st each year and in fulltime education;
4.Social membership: any person who does not wish to play for either the men’s or ladies’ teams. Such members will pay the agreed green fees each time they bowl;
5.Life member: any person recommended by the Committee and subsequently agreed at the AGM;
6.New Bowlers: any person who is new to the game (other than one who is joining as a social member ) will pay 50% of the relevant fee, for the first year of joining only. Such persons will also be loaned a set of Club bowls for their first season, should they wish to borrow them
Following any recommendations made by The Committee, membership subscriptions and green fees will be set annually, as determined at the AGM and will be due on April 1st each year.
Participation in Club games and activities and in external competitions will be dependent upon the subscription being paid, in full, by May 15th each year.
For members who join The Club from another club after this date (May 15th) a late subscription is payable, pro rata with a full year (April 1st -March 31st)
Social members and members of the public will pay the agreed hourly rate for casual bowling.
All subscriptions and fees will be displayed on the main notice board in April each year.
Resignation: Members resigning from The Club should write to the Secretary to inform him/her of his/her intention to do so. The resignation to take effect from the date indicated by the resigning member.
The Management Committee has the power to suspend a member for up to twelve months OR to expel any member who infringes Club or Affiliated Association rules OR whose conduct, in the agreed opinion of The Committee, is detrimental to the good name of The Club. Such mis-conduct will be deemed to have rendered them unfit for membership.
No member shall be suspended or expelled without first having been given the opportunity of being heard and to explain/ defend his/ her conduct before The
Suspension or expulsion of a member will require a vote of, at least, 60% of all
Committee members.
Expulsion is permanent.
A suspended member shall not be permitted to act as an officer of the Club nor entitled to vote at any meeting during the period of suspension.
No part of the subscription will be refunded to any member who chooses to resign or is suspended or expelled.
Each member agrees and undertakes not to remove, or use in any form, any confidential information of The Club or its members, except as may be necessary in the course of their duties as an Officer of The Club.
The Honorary Officers of The Club are the Club President and the Lady President. These positions are proposed by the Committee and elected at the AGM. Presidents hold their post until they cease to be a member of The Club or choose to stand down. The Presidents are invited to attend committee meetings, but may not vote.
The Management Committee shall be made up of six (6) officers, three ordinary members and the *Team Captains.
The officers and ordinary members are elected annually at the AGM, following nominations in August and are:
Chair ; Secretary; Treasurer ; Fixture secretary; Ladies’ secretary and fixture secretary;
Safeguarding officer ( who must undertake an enhanced DBS and appropriate training) Ordinary Members x 3
*Men’s Captain - confirmed or nominated and elected, annually in March
*Ladies’ Captain - confirmed or nominated and elected, annually in March
* Team captains are elected or confirmed at their respective pre-season team meetings in March, when the Vice Captains are also elected or confirmed. Vice captains may attend committee meetings in the absence of the Captain.
The Committee shall manage The Club.
1.Any member may be a Committee Member, nominate a member (including him/herself) and may vote to elect a Committee Member;
2.To nominate a Committee Member, members should write the name of the nominee, the proposer and the seconder on the pro forma which is posted on the Club noticeboard August 1st-31st each year.
3.Officers and Ordinary members are elected at the AGM;
4.No member shall vote for his/her own appointment;
5.The Club President shall have the casting vote;
A decision of the Management Committee must be ratified by a vote of, at least, 75% of the members attending the AGM, on any of the following matters:
1.Change to the rules of The Club;
2.Change to the constitution of The Club;
3.Buy any real property for the use of The Club;
4.Dissolve The Club.
The quorum for committee meetings may be fixed from time to time by a decision of The Committee, but it must never be fewer than six(6) and, unless otherwise, is six. If the total members at The Committee Meeting is less than the required quorum, The Committee must not take any decision other than to adjourn the meeting.
Powers of The Committee
The powers of The Committee shall include, but not be limited to :
1.Filling any vacancy on The Committee from among members until the next AGM;
2.Appointing a member to represent The Club on Machen Welfare Committee;
3.Appointing such sub-committees as they believe necessary. (Any sub-committee so appointed shall be accountable to The Committee and report to them at Committee meetings, when requested to do so);
4.Employing or contracting others to carry out activities of, or for, The Club;
5.Opening and operating a bank account in the name of The Club;
6.Managing the financial affairs of The Club;
7.Taking any action to promote the objectives of The Club;
8.Attending to all resignations, suspensions, expulsions and disciplinary issues that may arise from time to time.
Greens Sub- Committee
The Club Secretary shall attend meetings with officers or committees of CCBC, as required
The Greens Sub-Committee shall include the Club Secretary and up to four (4) Club members.
The Powers of the Greens Sub-Committee shall include:
1.Managing the grant funding from CCBC;
2.Liaising with the Parks Services of CCBC and meeting weekly with the allocated green keeper on the maintenance of the green;
3.Working with the Club’s volunteer workforce to implement the schedule of tasks agreed with CCBC to be undertaken by the Club. All work to be recorded in the diary;
4.To set and display the schedule of rink marks and direction of play. ( *It should be made clear to members, that the set marks and direction should be adhered to at all times); 5.To set up Rinks for matches.
Bar Sub-Committee
The Bar Sub-Committee shall be made up of three (3) members, one of which shall be a Committee Member.
The Powers of the Sub- Committee shall include:
1.(Through the Club Secretary) acquiring a licence to sell alcohol;
2.Purchasing drinks to sell to members and visitors;
3.Ensuring the secure storage of all drinks purchased;
4.Agreeing the pricing of drinks to be sold, with the Committee, at the beginning of each bowls season, and displaying the price list;
5.Monitoring and controlling the sale of drinks through the bar, within the requirements of the sale of alcohol licence;
6.Keeping receipts of drinks purchased and a record of takings;
7.Holding a petty cash of, no more than, £200 in the bar safe box and £20 in the ‘honesty’ box (drinks taken from the small fridge to be recorded, by members, in the ‘honesty’ book)
8.Banking takings each month or when they exceed £200;
9.Recording a stock take at the end of each season ( September 30th)
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -AGM ( Held in November each year )
Written notice of the AGM shall be given by the Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date agreed by The Committee.
a. The agenda, any recommendations and reports of The Committee and Subcommittees, the Treasurer’s report and the list of nominees for the Management
Committee will accompany the written notice.
b.The AGM will be opened by the Current Chair. Where necessary, the Chair will exercise a casting vote. (The President will take over when officers are elected and will handover the meeting to the newly elected Chair)
c.At the start of the meeting the Chair will appoint 2 returning officers to count and agree the votes. The minutes of the AGM shall be recorded by the Secretary.
The Agenda will fulfil the purpose of the meeting by:
1.Receiving and, if thought fit, agree the minutes of the previous year’s AGM, matters arising directly from these minutes to be discussed;
2.Receiving the report of the Management Committee, giving regard to any recommendations made by them;
3.Receiving, and if thought fit, approving the audited accounts of the preceding financial year from the Club Treasurer;
4.Electing the Officers and Members of the Management Committee.
5.Fixing the subscription charges for Club membership subscriptions; Rink fees and Green fees.
6.Agreeing any amendments or additions made to the Club Constitution following the Committee’s annual review. ( The Constitution shall be posted to the Club website 14 days before the AGM for members to view.
7.Considering any matter raised by a member that has been sent to the Secretary, in writing, at least 14 days before the meeting.
An EGM shall be convened by The Committee within 14 days of written receipt of any matter deemed necessary, by The Committee, to call a meeting OR a direction by the majority of The Committee Members OR a direction by, at least, 20% of the total members of The Club.
Quorum at AGM or EGM
This may be fixed from time to time, but must never be fewer than 20% of the total members of The Club and that such members are present at the specified start of the meeting. If a meeting is not quorate a new date will be set and whoever is present is quorate.
MEN’S & LADIES TEAM PRE-SEASON MEETING ( Held in March each year)
The respective Secretary will give the men or ladies 21 days notice of team meetings. a) The respective President will Chair the meetings and hold the casting vote only.
b) The team captains and vice captains for the coming season are confirmed or elected, as is required.
c) Following the Captain’s term the Vice Captain automatically steps up to the captaincy, should they choose to do so.
e) A minimum of two (2) team selectors and a reserve selector are elected at this meeting to be the selection committee, along with the Captain, who has the casting vote.
f) Nominations for Captain and Vice Captain ( if required) and the selectors are to be received, in writing, by the respective Secretary, 14 days before the meeting, stating the position, name, proposer and seconder.
g) The agenda and list of nominees will be circulated, by the respective Secretary, 7 days before the meeting.
All members who have paid a subscription for the current year (other than those who have resigned, been expelled or who are under suspension) may vote at an AGM, EGM and Team Meetings.
The accounting year of The Club is November 1st to October 31st each year. The Club shall open a bank account in the name of Machen Bowling Club and all membership fees, bar takings and other funding received shall be deposited in The Club Bank Account.
The Greens Maintenance Grant from CCBC shall be managed by the Greens Sub-
Committee, as directed by the Committee.
Each cheque drawn from The Club Bank Account shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other Officer.
An independent auditor , appointed by The Committee, shall audit The Club accounts by October 31st each year.
The Committee shall consider the recommendations made by the auditor and, if required, agree any changes in procedure.
The Club may be dissolved by a resolution passed by , at least, 80% of members present and eligible to vote at an EGM convened for the purpose. If the decision to dissolve The Club is carried, consideration will also need to be given to the disposal of assets, money or funds, after the settling of debts or liabilities.
The Committee are responsible for ensuring that the member appointed as Safeguarding Officer has undergone an enhanced DBS check and undertaken appropriate training. The Club Safeguarding Officer will be responsible for ensuring that The Club adopts ALL policies and rules as issued by the Welsh Bowling Association and/ or relevant National and County Authorities.
Methods of easy communication must be established between Club Officers and each of the members, without prejudice to confidential details.
The Club website and Twitter Page are the main platforms for sharing Club information with both members and the public.
The term ‘in writing’ includes communication by email.
It is the responsibility of each member to give their contact details to their secretary and captain.
Communication between Club members on matters concerning The Club, its members or other clubs, should be appropriate, constructive, respectful and non-offensive. Members should understand that no social media site or app is 100% secure or confidential.
Players should observe the rules and regulations of the affiliated bodies and the laws of World Bowls as written in the ‘ Laws of the Sport of Bowls’ handbook. These are displayed on the Club notice board. Players should exercise the spirit of true sportsmanship and fair play at all times.
Dress code: Club or plain white tops with regulation, plain grey or white bowling trousers, knee length shorts or, for ladies, also regulation bowls skirts or 3/4 trousers. Regulation dress is to be worn for all League and Friendly games and all League competitions. Smart casual clothes may be worn on Club nights and for the early rounds of Club competitions.
Bowling shoes must be worn for all games. Flat soled shoes are acceptable for new members to wear on Club nights until they purchase bowling shoes.
Use of the Green: The Greens Committee will decide if the green is open and can be played on. If it is closed, for any reason, members will be informed via the website and/or Twitter. Early in the season members should check the notice board to see if nets need to be used to protect the green.
The direction of play and the marks to be played on will be set by the Greens Committee. This information will be displayed on the Club notice board and must be adhered to at all times.
Members may book Rinks for competitions on the booking form displayed on the notice board.
Club premises and equipment: All members are responsible for the cleanliness, tidiness, safety and security of the changing rooms, Club house, shed and grounds, also the tidiness and secure storage of club equipment.
Team Selection: it is the responsibility of each member to sign the availability sheets each week to indicate that they wish to be considered for team selection. These are displayed on the changing room notice boards. Selection for the men’s and ladies’ teams should be fair and equitable, whilst recognising that bowls is a competitive sport and that we play to win.
Men’s League Games: The primary leagues for the men’s team are the MBA Monmouthshire League and WBA Carruthers Shield. Selection for these games is on merit. The games are usually played on Saturday. The secondary league for the men’s team is the SMONBA South Mon League. The games are usually played on Wednesday. Each week, members who have declared themselves available, but who have not been selected to play for the Monmouthshire League or the Carruthers Shield should be selected to play for the South Mon League. This will ensure that each available member is selected to play a League game each week, depending on the fixtures.
Ladies’ League Games: The Primary League for the ladies’ team is the SW&Mon League and selection for this league is on merit. The games are usually played on Tuesday. The secondary league for the ladies’ team is the Casnewydd League. Each week, members who have declared themselves available, but not been selected to play for the SW&Mon League should be selected to play for the Casnewydd League. This will ensure that each available member is selected to play a League game each week, depending on the fixtures.
Members new to the game of bowls: New members will be given coaching and included in team games on Club nights. Once they have received sufficient coaching and gained experience of the game, they will be invited to make themselves available for league games.